Please vote and tell me which version(s) of the origami coat you prefer !

You can choose 2.

Thanks in advance for helping me finally pick one !

Quelle(s) version(s) du manteau Origami préférez-vous ?

  • Version 2 (43%, 65 Votes)
    width: 43%;" title="Version 2 (43% | 65 Votes)">
  • Version 4 (28%, 43 Votes)
    width: 28%;" title="Version 4 (28% | 43 Votes)">
  • Version 1 (17%, 25 Votes)
    width: 17%;" title="Version 1 (17% | 25 Votes)">
  • Version 3 (12%, 18 Votes)
    width: 12%;" title="Version 3 (12% | 18 Votes)">

Total des votants: 121

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